Suzuki Reaction Yield Predictor

Chemical reaction experimentations in a lab is a slow and expensive process. Even after getting the right products for a chemical reaction, chemists need to know how much of a product will form. Getting the actual yield of a reaction is needed for drug synthesis planning and is quite advantageous to decide on whether a synthesis path is to be preferred or avoided.

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COVID-19 Research Browser

The coronavirus pandemic has caused enormous health, economic, environmental, and social challenges to the entire human population. The entire research community has worked tirelessly for a vaccine but could we help speeding up these efforts even more?

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ADMET Properties Prediction

According to a report by Harvard Medical School, as many as 90 percent of promising drug candidates fail before or during human clinical trials, falling into the so-called "valley of death". The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America estimates that it takes an average of $2.6 billion and more than 10 years for a new medicine to hit the market.

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Chem Data Lake Solution

Chemical and medical experimental data storage pipelines often struggle with uniformity and standardization across different teams and labs. With a large number of experiments being carried out, it can become increasingly tough to replicate and keeping track of the results.

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In-Silico Antibody Engineering

Traditional approaches for antibody structure prediction like X-ray crystallography and NMR are time-consuming and does not support high-throughput pipeline. In-silico based approaches can solve these problems by speeding up the process and High-throughput screening.

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Email Request Analysis

Any large organization often receives hundreds, probably thousands, of emails everyday from their customers and redirecting them to respective divisions within the company can require significant time and manpower. An automatic classification of these emails into several categories in order to redirect them to repective divisions can help save the time as well money resources.

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QA Chatbot

To any customer-oriented organization, a large number of queries from customers are often repetitive and can be answered by an automatic chatbot machine. This not only saves the time but also manpower needed for the task.

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